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  • Meaning making in the re-entryphase after (neo)adjuvant treatment of breastcancer or melanoma. Novartis, 2020, EUR 68.000

  • Exploring the emotional reactions of distressed cancer patients: a mixed methods study to determine the value, reliability and acceptability of a novel screening tool, Hunter Cancer Research Alliance, 2019, $19.564

  • Adaptive and maladaptive emotions in patients with cancer: identification of indicators (EMOCA study). Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2018, EUR 447.112

  • Zinvolle doelen in de revalidatie. VUvereniging, 2018, EUR 20.000

  • Opstellen van een plan van aanpak voor het effectiever ontwikkelen van kwaliteitsstandaarden voor de oefen- en fysiotherapie. Zorginstituut Nederland, 2018, EUR 30.000

  • The cost-effectiveness of stratified care by physical therapists in primary care compared to usual physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: cluster RCT. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2018, EUR 205.900

  • Zinvolle doelen in de revalidatie. VUvereniging, 2017, EUR 20.000

  • Course and underlying mechanisms in medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS), a long term follow up study. ZonMW, 2017, EUR 250.000

  • Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence: a preplanned meta-analysis of the psychosocial factors and cancer consortium (PSY-CA). Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2017, EUR 1.328.435,00

  • Sleep disturbances in patients with chronic wide spread pain. Duyvens-Nagel Stichting, 2015. EUR 25.000

  • Implementation of an integrated strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and comorbidity. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2015, EUR 39.505

  • Psychological factors and the initiation of cancer – Application for the feasibility study. Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2015. EUR 189.899

  • Stratified care in knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study to evaluate feasibility of tailored interventions in primary care. Dutch Arthritis Association, 2015, EUR 79.176

  • Effectiveness of blended therapy on psychological distress in colorectal cancer survivors: the CORRECT multicenter trial. Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2015. EUR 380.100

  • Zorgnetwerken voor mensen met reumatische aandoeningen in Nederland, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2014, EUR 82.645  

  • Ontwikkelen van aanbevelingen voor de diagnostiek en behandeling van voetklachten bij patiënten met reumatoide artritis, Dutch Arthritis Association,2014, EUR 68.000

  • Prevention and personalized treatments in knee osteoarthritis. European Commission, 2014. EUR 517.000 (VUmc part only)

  • Signaleren en behandelen van psychologische distress in de oncologie, VU University Medical Center/InGeest, 2014, EUR 50.000

  • The effect of high-resistance muscle strength training and vitamin D supplementation in knee OA: a 2x2 randomized controlled trial, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2014. EUR 235.000

  • Costeffectiveness of E-exercise – a combination of physiotherapeutic exercise with a web application, in people with osteoarthritis, ZonMW, 2013. EUR 201.000

  • Exercise therapy in combination with optimal pain relieving medication in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and severe pain – pilot study, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2012. EUR 87.000

  • Neurobiological dysregulation in chronic pain: longitudinal and large scale study, European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), 2012. EUR 150.000

  • Verandering in zingeving na dwarlaesie of hersenletsel, Revalidatiefonds, 2012. EUR 65.000

  • De artrosepoli in Reade: profilering van  expertise ter ondersteuning van artrosezorginde eerstelijn, MSD, 2012. EUR  40.000

  • Objectifying improvement of function by measuring movement in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2012. EUR 24.000

  • Validering van de PROMIS itembanken bij chronische pijn patiënten, Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2012. EUR 40.000

  • Screening and treatment of psychological distress in colorectal cancer with metastasized disease: the TES trial. Alpe d’Huzes/Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2011. EUR 521.000

  • Het gebruik van drukmetingen in de schoen voor het optimaliseren van inlays bij patiënten met een reumatische aandoening en voetklachten. Dutch Arthritis Association, 2011. EUR 65.000

  • Het ontwikkelen en implementeren van een behandelstrategie bij patiënten met artrose en co-morbiditeit, MSD, 2011. EUR 48.000

  • Treatment of neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury: a feasibility study on percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, ZonMW, 2010. EUR 40.000

  • Need for knowledge in physiotherapy: research priorities. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2010. EUR 40.000

  • Future functional status in osteoarthritis of the knee: impact of neuromuscular, psychological and clinical factors (NPC Study). Project in MOVE AGE, European doctorate program on prevention of mobility loss with ageing, European Commission, 2010. EUR 130.000

  • Depression in Multiple Sclerosis: the effectiveness of webbased self-help treatment, MS Research, Netherlands, 2010.  EUR 200.000

  • Translation of PROMIS, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2010, EUR 100.308

  • Disabling fatigue in multiple sclerosis occurs frequently: how should it be treated? ZonMW, 2010. EUR 1.090.000

  • Outcome of lumbar spinal fusion patients and significance of postoperative exercise therapy. Randomized clinical trial and spine registry study. Academy of Finland, 2009. EUR 80.000

  • Joint pain in older people with multiple health problems: early recognition of fraily and identification of obstacles to optimal care and support. ZonMW, 2009. EUR 490.000

  • Ontwikkeling van een predictieregel voor herstel van klachten bij manueel therapeutische behandeling van chronische spierspanningshoofdpijn, Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2009. EUR 20.000

  • Early detection of psychological and social disability in multiple sclerosis, Fund NutsOhra, 2010. EUR 99.000

  • Implementatie van de behandelstrategie voor artrose van heup of knie door middel van een patiëntenpaspoort, Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2009. EUR 50.000

  • Implementatie van de behandelstrategie voor artrose van heup of knie door middel van een patiëntenpaspoort, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2009. EUR 230.000

  • Artrose: wetenschappelijke kennis en praktijk, Health Council of the Netherlands, 2008. EUR 20.000

  • Coördinatie van het KNGF Onderzoeksprogramma, Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/ Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2008. EUR 70.000

  • Exercise therapy and comorbidity in osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: development and evaluation of treatment protocol (COOA), Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/ Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2008. 355.000

  • Feasibility and effectiveness of web-based cognitive behavioral therapy for multiple sclerosis patients with comorbid depression: a pilot study. Stichting MS Research, 2008; and Stichting tot Steun VCVGZ, 2008. EUR 72.000

  • STABILO: A randomised controlled trial of knee joint stabilisation therapy in osteoarthrits of the knee. Dutch Arthritis Association, 2008. EUR 205.000

  • Cost-effectiveness of exercise therapy added to general practitioner care for osteoarthritis of the hip. ZonMW, 2008. EUR 250.000

  • Physiotherapy in nursing homes. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/ Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2007. EUR 60.000

  • Development and implemenentation of a guideline for the orthosis treatment in patients with late sequelae of poliomyelitis. ZonMW, 2007. EUR 70.000

  • Long-term effectiveness of behavioral graded activity in patients with osteoarthritis of hip and/or knee: the role of exercise adherence. Nationaal Reumafonds, 2007. EUR 60.000

  • Physical actvity and the development of osteoarthritis: which activity is important for the elderly? Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2006. EUR 20.000

  • The role of self-efficacy in occupational therapy for patients with chronic widespread pain, Stichting Nuts-Ohra, 2006. 24.000

  • MUSCOT: efficacy of client-centred occupational therapy in patients with mulrpile sclerosis, Stichting MS Research, 2006. EUR 250.000

  • Course of symptoms, functioning and participation in early osteoarthritis, Nationaal Reumafonds, 2006. EUR 250.000

  • Stability of the joint and daily functioning is osteoarthritis of the knee, St. Jorisstichting, 2004. EUR 10.000.

  • The course of functional status of elderly patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease (coordinator), ZonMW, 2004. EUR 12.000

  • Functional prognosis in neurological disorders (coordinator), ZonMW, 2004. EUR 18.000

  • The course of functional status of elderly patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease (part II). ZonMW, 2004 EUR 365.000

  • Functional prognosis in neurological disorders (part II), ZonMW, 2003. EUR 365.000

  • Exercise therapy (support for task force), Gezondheidsraad, 2001

  • Efficacy of GRADIT, graded activity through intermittent exercise therapy, in patients with osteo­arthritis of hip or knee, College voor Zorgverzekeringen, 2001

  • Determinants of the course of complaints of the neck, shoulder, elbow, hip and knee in general practice, Nationaal Reumafonds, 2000

  • Efficacy of occupational therapy, College voor Zorgverzekeringen, 2000

  • Monitoring of health care and social position of people with asthma and COPD, Nederlands Astma­fonds, 2000

  • The course of functional status of elderly patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease: the influence of age-related impairments and comobirdity, Zorgonderzoek Nederland, 2000

  • Information on Allied Health Care, College voor Zorgverzekeringen, 1999

  • Prevention and physical therapy, exercise theapy and speech therapy, Ministry of Health, 1999

  • Efficacy of occupational therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, Nationaal Reumafonds, 1999

  • Evaluation of the research program ‘Health care technology at home’, Zorgonderzoek Nederland, 1999

  • Monitoring of the use of health care technology at home, Zorgonderzoek Nederland, 1999

  • Expertise of allied health professionals with regard to chronic diseases. National Council for patients with chronic diseases, 1998

  • Pilot preventive occupational therapy, Project Ergoprevent, 1998

  • Social situation of young persons with chronic disease of the digestive system, Maag Lever Darm Stichting, 1998

  • Panel of patients with chronic diseases, Ministery of Health/National Council for patients with chronic diseases/Inspectorate of health, 1997

  • Evaluation of the program 'Quality assurance in allied health care', Ziekenfondsraad, 1997

  • Supply of information on allied health care; Ministry of Health, 1996

  • Evaluation of the restriction of physical therapy and exercise therapy, Ziekenfondsraad, 1996

  • Survey of rehabilitation for patients with chronic diseases; National Council for patients with chronic diseases, 1996

  • Efficacy of strategy-training in stroke patients with apraxia: a randomized clinical trial; Neder­landse Hartstichting (95.009), 1995

  • Towards a research program on efficacy and efficiency of allied health care; Ziekenfondsraad, 1995

  • The number of physical therapeutic sessions in various patient categories; Ministery of Health, 1995

  • Chiropody and the diabetic foot; Glaxo, 1995

  • Occupational therapy in primary health care: Ministery of Health, 1995

  • Evaluation of a program for quality assurance in allied health care; Ministery of Health, 1994

  • Evaluation of physical therapy in primary care; Ministery of Health, 1994

  • Exercise therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip; 'Commis­sie Ontwikkelings­geneeskun­de' (Ziekenfondsraad/NWO, OG92-066), 1993

  • Evaluation of occupational therapy in primary care; Stichting Amsterdams Kruiswerk, 1993

  • Consultation by physical therapists - an evaluation; Ministery of Health, 1992

  • Occupational therapy for stroke patients with apraxia; National Council for Patients with Chronic Diseases, 1992

  • A survey of speech therapy in the Netherlands, Ministry of Health, 1992

  • Application of the 'International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps' in speech therapy; Ministry of Health, 1991

  • Position of allied health professions in the United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Germany, Netherlands and Belgium; Ministry of Health, 1990

  • A survey of exercise therapy, podiatry and occupational therapy in the Nether­lands; Ministry of Health, 1990


  • Educational film on aging of mentally handicapped people, Bavo Stichting, 2005

  • Award on ‘aging, nursing and social work’, Bavo Stichting, 2005

  • Development of courses on palliative care, Pieter van Foreest Stichting, 2005

  • Symposium Palliative Care, Pieter van Foreest Stichting, 2002, 2004


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