Meaning making in the re-entryphase after (neo)adjuvant treatment of breastcancer or melanoma. Novartis, 2020, EUR 68.000
Exploring the emotional reactions of distressed cancer patients: a mixed methods study to determine the value, reliability and acceptability of a novel screening tool, Hunter Cancer Research Alliance, 2019, $19.564
Adaptive and maladaptive emotions in patients with cancer: identification of indicators (EMOCA study). Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2018, EUR 447.112
Zinvolle doelen in de revalidatie. VUvereniging, 2018, EUR 20.000
Opstellen van een plan van aanpak voor het effectiever ontwikkelen van kwaliteitsstandaarden voor de oefen- en fysiotherapie. Zorginstituut Nederland, 2018, EUR 30.000
The cost-effectiveness of stratified care by physical therapists in primary care compared to usual physical therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: cluster RCT. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2018, EUR 205.900
Zinvolle doelen in de revalidatie. VUvereniging, 2017, EUR 20.000
Course and underlying mechanisms in medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS), a long term follow up study. ZonMW, 2017, EUR 250.000
Psychosocial factors and cancer incidence: a preplanned meta-analysis of the psychosocial factors and cancer consortium (PSY-CA). Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2017, EUR 1.328.435,00
Sleep disturbances in patients with chronic wide spread pain. Duyvens-Nagel Stichting, 2015. EUR 25.000
Implementation of an integrated strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and comorbidity. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2015, EUR 39.505
Psychological factors and the initiation of cancer – Application for the feasibility study. Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2015. EUR 189.899
Stratified care in knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study to evaluate feasibility of tailored interventions in primary care. Dutch Arthritis Association, 2015, EUR 79.176
Effectiveness of blended therapy on psychological distress in colorectal cancer survivors: the CORRECT multicenter trial. Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2015. EUR 380.100
Zorgnetwerken voor mensen met reumatische aandoeningen in Nederland, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2014, EUR 82.645
Ontwikkelen van aanbevelingen voor de diagnostiek en behandeling van voetklachten bij patiënten met reumatoide artritis, Dutch Arthritis Association,2014, EUR 68.000
Prevention and personalized treatments in knee osteoarthritis. European Commission, 2014. EUR 517.000 (VUmc part only)
Signaleren en behandelen van psychologische distress in de oncologie, VU University Medical Center/InGeest, 2014, EUR 50.000
The effect of high-resistance muscle strength training and vitamin D supplementation in knee OA: a 2x2 randomized controlled trial, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2014. EUR 235.000
Costeffectiveness of E-exercise – a combination of physiotherapeutic exercise with a web application, in people with osteoarthritis, ZonMW, 2013. EUR 201.000
Exercise therapy in combination with optimal pain relieving medication in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and severe pain – pilot study, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2012. EUR 87.000
Neurobiological dysregulation in chronic pain: longitudinal and large scale study, European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), 2012. EUR 150.000
Verandering in zingeving na dwarlaesie of hersenletsel, Revalidatiefonds, 2012. EUR 65.000
De artrosepoli in Reade: profilering van expertise ter ondersteuning van artrosezorginde eerstelijn, MSD, 2012. EUR 40.000
Objectifying improvement of function by measuring movement in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2012. EUR 24.000
Validering van de PROMIS itembanken bij chronische pijn patiënten, Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2012. EUR 40.000
Screening and treatment of psychological distress in colorectal cancer with metastasized disease: the TES trial. Alpe d’Huzes/Dutch Cancer Society KWF, 2011. EUR 521.000
Het gebruik van drukmetingen in de schoen voor het optimaliseren van inlays bij patiënten met een reumatische aandoening en voetklachten. Dutch Arthritis Association, 2011. EUR 65.000
Het ontwikkelen en implementeren van een behandelstrategie bij patiënten met artrose en co-morbiditeit, MSD, 2011. EUR 48.000
Treatment of neuropathic pain in spinal cord injury: a feasibility study on percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, ZonMW, 2010. EUR 40.000
Need for knowledge in physiotherapy: research priorities. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2010. EUR 40.000
Future functional status in osteoarthritis of the knee: impact of neuromuscular, psychological and clinical factors (NPC Study). Project in MOVE AGE, European doctorate program on prevention of mobility loss with ageing, European Commission, 2010. EUR 130.000
Depression in Multiple Sclerosis: the effectiveness of webbased self-help treatment, MS Research, Netherlands, 2010. EUR 200.000
Translation of PROMIS, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2010, EUR 100.308
Disabling fatigue in multiple sclerosis occurs frequently: how should it be treated? ZonMW, 2010. EUR 1.090.000
Outcome of lumbar spinal fusion patients and significance of postoperative exercise therapy. Randomized clinical trial and spine registry study. Academy of Finland, 2009. EUR 80.000
Joint pain in older people with multiple health problems: early recognition of fraily and identification of obstacles to optimal care and support. ZonMW, 2009. EUR 490.000
Ontwikkeling van een predictieregel voor herstel van klachten bij manueel therapeutische behandeling van chronische spierspanningshoofdpijn, Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2009. EUR 20.000
Early detection of psychological and social disability in multiple sclerosis, Fund NutsOhra, 2010. EUR 99.000
Implementatie van de behandelstrategie voor artrose van heup of knie door middel van een patiëntenpaspoort, Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy, 2009. EUR 50.000
Implementatie van de behandelstrategie voor artrose van heup of knie door middel van een patiëntenpaspoort, Dutch Arthritis Association, 2009. EUR 230.000
Artrose: wetenschappelijke kennis en praktijk, Health Council of the Netherlands, 2008. EUR 20.000
Coördinatie van het KNGF Onderzoeksprogramma, Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/ Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2008. EUR 70.000
Exercise therapy and comorbidity in osteoarthritis of the hip or knee: development and evaluation of treatment protocol (COOA), Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/ Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2008. 355.000
Feasibility and effectiveness of web-based cognitive behavioral therapy for multiple sclerosis patients with comorbid depression: a pilot study. Stichting MS Research, 2008; and Stichting tot Steun VCVGZ, 2008. EUR 72.000
STABILO: A randomised controlled trial of knee joint stabilisation therapy in osteoarthrits of the knee. Dutch Arthritis Association, 2008. EUR 205.000
Cost-effectiveness of exercise therapy added to general practitioner care for osteoarthritis of the hip. ZonMW, 2008. EUR 250.000
Physiotherapy in nursing homes. Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/ Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2007. EUR 60.000
Development and implemenentation of a guideline for the orthosis treatment in patients with late sequelae of poliomyelitis. ZonMW, 2007. EUR 70.000
Long-term effectiveness of behavioral graded activity in patients with osteoarthritis of hip and/or knee: the role of exercise adherence. Nationaal Reumafonds, 2007. EUR 60.000
Physical actvity and the development of osteoarthritis: which activity is important for the elderly? Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy/Wetenschappelijk College Fysiotherapie, 2006. EUR 20.000
The role of self-efficacy in occupational therapy for patients with chronic widespread pain, Stichting Nuts-Ohra, 2006. 24.000
MUSCOT: efficacy of client-centred occupational therapy in patients with mulrpile sclerosis, Stichting MS Research, 2006. EUR 250.000
Course of symptoms, functioning and participation in early osteoarthritis, Nationaal Reumafonds, 2006. EUR 250.000
Stability of the joint and daily functioning is osteoarthritis of the knee, St. Jorisstichting, 2004. EUR 10.000.
The course of functional status of elderly patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease (coordinator), ZonMW, 2004. EUR 12.000
Functional prognosis in neurological disorders (coordinator), ZonMW, 2004. EUR 18.000
The course of functional status of elderly patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease (part II). ZonMW, 2004 EUR 365.000
Functional prognosis in neurological disorders (part II), ZonMW, 2003. EUR 365.000
Exercise therapy (support for task force), Gezondheidsraad, 2001
Efficacy of GRADIT, graded activity through intermittent exercise therapy, in patients with osteoarthritis of hip or knee, College voor Zorgverzekeringen, 2001
Determinants of the course of complaints of the neck, shoulder, elbow, hip and knee in general practice, Nationaal Reumafonds, 2000
Efficacy of occupational therapy, College voor Zorgverzekeringen, 2000
Monitoring of health care and social position of people with asthma and COPD, Nederlands Astmafonds, 2000
The course of functional status of elderly patients with sequelae of poliomyelitis, osteoarthritis, and Parkinson’s disease: the influence of age-related impairments and comobirdity, Zorgonderzoek Nederland, 2000
Information on Allied Health Care, College voor Zorgverzekeringen, 1999
Prevention and physical therapy, exercise theapy and speech therapy, Ministry of Health, 1999
Efficacy of occupational therapy in rheumatoid arthritis, Nationaal Reumafonds, 1999
Evaluation of the research program ‘Health care technology at home’, Zorgonderzoek Nederland, 1999
Monitoring of the use of health care technology at home, Zorgonderzoek Nederland, 1999
Expertise of allied health professionals with regard to chronic diseases. National Council for patients with chronic diseases, 1998
Pilot preventive occupational therapy, Project Ergoprevent, 1998
Social situation of young persons with chronic disease of the digestive system, Maag Lever Darm Stichting, 1998
Panel of patients with chronic diseases, Ministery of Health/National Council for patients with chronic diseases/Inspectorate of health, 1997
Evaluation of the program 'Quality assurance in allied health care', Ziekenfondsraad, 1997
Supply of information on allied health care; Ministry of Health, 1996
Evaluation of the restriction of physical therapy and exercise therapy, Ziekenfondsraad, 1996
Survey of rehabilitation for patients with chronic diseases; National Council for patients with chronic diseases, 1996
Efficacy of strategy-training in stroke patients with apraxia: a randomized clinical trial; Nederlandse Hartstichting (95.009), 1995
Towards a research program on efficacy and efficiency of allied health care; Ziekenfondsraad, 1995
The number of physical therapeutic sessions in various patient categories; Ministery of Health, 1995
Chiropody and the diabetic foot; Glaxo, 1995
Occupational therapy in primary health care: Ministery of Health, 1995
Evaluation of a program for quality assurance in allied health care; Ministery of Health, 1994
Evaluation of physical therapy in primary care; Ministery of Health, 1994
Exercise therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee and hip; 'Commissie Ontwikkelingsgeneeskunde' (Ziekenfondsraad/NWO, OG92-066), 1993
Evaluation of occupational therapy in primary care; Stichting Amsterdams Kruiswerk, 1993
Consultation by physical therapists - an evaluation; Ministery of Health, 1992
Occupational therapy for stroke patients with apraxia; National Council for Patients with Chronic Diseases, 1992
A survey of speech therapy in the Netherlands, Ministry of Health, 1992
Application of the 'International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps' in speech therapy; Ministry of Health, 1991
Position of allied health professions in the United Kingdom, Federal Republic of Germany, Netherlands and Belgium; Ministry of Health, 1990
A survey of exercise therapy, podiatry and occupational therapy in the Netherlands; Ministry of Health, 1990
Educational film on aging of mentally handicapped people, Bavo Stichting, 2005
Award on ‘aging, nursing and social work’, Bavo Stichting, 2005
Development of courses on palliative care, Pieter van Foreest Stichting, 2005
Symposium Palliative Care, Pieter van Foreest Stichting, 2002, 2004